Hobbes Just Loved His Dram.
Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader wasn't too surprised in the results of the following quiz:

You are a cardinal! You love to try & get others
into trouble, even if you have to make up
lies...NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!
What Monty Python Sketch Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thanks to Robert the LlamaButcher for showing us this one. And BTW Robert, your Maximum Leader loves the Philosopher's Drinking Song too. He sometimes sings it with the Smallholder on the farm, while drinking beer!
Carry on.

You are a cardinal! You love to try & get others
into trouble, even if you have to make up
lies...NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!
What Monty Python Sketch Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thanks to Robert the LlamaButcher for showing us this one. And BTW Robert, your Maximum Leader loves the Philosopher's Drinking Song too. He sometimes sings it with the Smallholder on the farm, while drinking beer!
Carry on.
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