Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader would like to thank Andi over at Overboard for her kind link to this site. Your Maximum Leader has gladly reciprocated.
You all (my minions) really ought to go and read Andi's stuff. She provides an interesting counter-balance to the Poet Laureate's life-in-Korea posts. Andi is a Buddhist Swordsman who your Maximum Leader is convinced could take Lucy Lui in a Tarantino-esque sword fight.
And note to Kilgore... She likes your blog too man. Get thee to Korea! End your "drought."
Carry on.
Note to those of you who might check out these things... This post is #666 from the start of this blog. Humm.. Coincidence that the DEVIL'S number is associated with a kick-ass Buddhist chick? Your Maximum Leader thinks not...
You all (my minions) really ought to go and read Andi's stuff. She provides an interesting counter-balance to the Poet Laureate's life-in-Korea posts. Andi is a Buddhist Swordsman who your Maximum Leader is convinced could take Lucy Lui in a Tarantino-esque sword fight.
And note to Kilgore... She likes your blog too man. Get thee to Korea! End your "drought."
Carry on.
Note to those of you who might check out these things... This post is #666 from the start of this blog. Humm.. Coincidence that the DEVIL'S number is associated with a kick-ass Buddhist chick? Your Maximum Leader thinks not...
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