December 22, 2004

Dr Freud, Paging Dr. Freud.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is looking forward to a little rest. "What do you mean esteemed Maximum Leader?," ask you the loyal minion. Well, for the past two nights Mrs. Villain has been subjecting your Maximum Leader to the most unreasonable demands. She insisted that your Maximum Leader finish the "Christmas Letter." She has also wanted your Maximum Leader to confirm the address list for those he wishes to recieve such a letter.

Now, your Maximum Leader's "Christmas Letter" is no ordinary Christmas Letter. Indeed, it requires a tremendous amount of creative energy for your Maximum Leader to complete. You see, your Maximum Leader can't stand the typical "we're-all-wonderful-let-me-tell-you-about-our-vacations-and-how-above-average-the-kids-are" letters. So your Maximum Leader tries to write a "themed" letter which cleverly inserts the critical family information in the midst of some humourous writing. In the year 2000, the letter took the form of a Supreme Court Brief (mocking the Bush v. Gore decision). Last year's letter took the form of a "Patriot Act" wire-tap transcript. And this year it was tough to harness your Maximum Leader's muse. But, he eventually did it. The letter was completed Monday night. Mrs. Villain likes it much better than last year's. It is a 527 organization fundraising letter.


The second item for which your Maximum Leader has been harassed was the address list. Your Maximum Leader reviewed the list, and then printed out labels. Mrs. Villain just informed him that a late addition address on the list was incorrect. Your Maximum Leader said no, the list was correct. Then Mrs. Villain said, "Well, do Mr & Mrs "X" live in Nipples, Florida?"

Ooops. Your Maximum Leader must have spent too much time reading Sadie's blog or thinking about Jennifer Love Hewitt. Heh. Nipples, Florida. (As you may have guessed, your Maximum Leader's friends live in Naples, Florida.)

A funny slip as it were.

Anyway... Mrs. Villain notified your Maximum Leader that she was taking the Villainettes and the Wee Villain to her sainted parent's house today and would return late tomorrow. Thus, your Maximum Leader has the Villainschloss all to himself...

Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! He chortled in his joy!

Carry on.


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