October 15, 2004

The thoughtful side of Sadie

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader just read over Sadie's latest posting at NET POLITIK. You ought to go and read it yourself. A very nice little essay on Sadie's political self.

It may also be somewhat topical here since the Smallholder was just wondering how the Republicans are able to hold their party together. Which, of course, leads to the alternate question, how are the Democrats able to hold their party together?

NB to Smallholder: Your Maximum Leader has an answer for you. Power.

Excursus: You know something else? Nothing remotely sexual about Sadie's post and your Maximum Leader is still recommending it. NB to Sadie: You see, you are not just fodder for your Maximum Leader's fantasies... He loves you for your mind.

Carry on.


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