October 15, 2004

Anticipatory Retaliation

Anticipatory Retaliation has an essay with which I agree wholeheartedly. It seems remarkably centrist. I am always puzzled by the way the Republicans can hold together their coalition so effectively.


UPDATE FROM YOUR MAXIMUM LEADER: The link the Smallholder provided to illustrate the Republican coalition was quite interesting. Almost as interesting is using the same site to search for information about the Democratic Party shows that a corresponding faction list doesn't exist for the Dems. We all know that the Democrats have just as interesting a melange of factions as do the Republicans. So why not list them too?


Um, Mike, what's up lately. Feeling a bit testy? The need to deny everything your MOA says on general principal. I don't comment on the Democratic Party's division because the Dems do a piss poor job holding them together. I think Will Rogers said: "I don't belong to an organized political party. I'm a Democrat." Hell, if one cherry picks my posts, one might label ME a Republican, as critical of Kerry as I have been.

The Washington Post has run several articles that show the enthusiasm Republicans have at campagin events - Bush is feted like a rock star. But Democrats have no such enthusiasm; we all have doctrinal differences with "our" man, leading to lukewarm, or in my case, non-existent support.

Is it that the Republicans have more discipline? Are they willing to put aside doctrinal differences in the interest of fashioning a ruling coalition? Democrats seem bent on committing seppuku.


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