A Suggestion for the Blogroll
I beg the Maximum Leader to consider adding Ally at "Who Moved My Truth" to the Blogroll. She will fit in well and is a good critical reader of some of our other favorite blogs like Bill's Comments and Analphilosopher.
She is of a political inclination pleasing to the Maximum Leader, though she may be a bit squishy - I mean thoughtful - and does not parrot a party line. We need to support reasoned blogs, by God!
Ally also does whimsy in a way that will appeal to the Naked Villainy cabal. I direct our collective attention to:
Real Men of Genius
Subservient Chicken
She is a feminist/citizen of our stripe - believing in equality not coddling.
Wells College
John Mayer Smackdown
Cultural Double Standards
Maximum Leader, I know that you can't resist a woman who takes pictures of the Highlands. (Attention Foreign Minister: page two has re-enactors!)
Her blog might also be a good balance in the "ethics of eating meat" discussion we have been having over the last year or so. She is a moral vegetarian, but does not commit the fallacy of claiming equal moral merit for animals. Here is a piece - "Barbarism or Cuisine" she did on the SoDaMonk article I blogged about (indirectly) here.
I wish all consumers would start to think like this quote from Ally's article:
"If I ever desire to eat meat again, I would purchase from small farmers with whom I am familiar and whose practices of which I approve."
But I guess I'm naive to think that consumer preferences in the marketplaces can balance economies of scale found in factory farming.
So, Maximum Leader, does she make the blogroll?
She is of a political inclination pleasing to the Maximum Leader, though she may be a bit squishy - I mean thoughtful - and does not parrot a party line. We need to support reasoned blogs, by God!
Ally also does whimsy in a way that will appeal to the Naked Villainy cabal. I direct our collective attention to:
Real Men of Genius
Subservient Chicken
She is a feminist/citizen of our stripe - believing in equality not coddling.
Wells College
John Mayer Smackdown
Cultural Double Standards
Maximum Leader, I know that you can't resist a woman who takes pictures of the Highlands. (Attention Foreign Minister: page two has re-enactors!)
Her blog might also be a good balance in the "ethics of eating meat" discussion we have been having over the last year or so. She is a moral vegetarian, but does not commit the fallacy of claiming equal moral merit for animals. Here is a piece - "Barbarism or Cuisine" she did on the SoDaMonk article I blogged about (indirectly) here.
I wish all consumers would start to think like this quote from Ally's article:
"If I ever desire to eat meat again, I would purchase from small farmers with whom I am familiar and whose practices of which I approve."
But I guess I'm naive to think that consumer preferences in the marketplaces can balance economies of scale found in factory farming.
So, Maximum Leader, does she make the blogroll?
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