October 11, 2004

A Suggestion for the Blogroll

I beg the Maximum Leader to consider adding Ally at "Who Moved My Truth" to the Blogroll. She will fit in well and is a good critical reader of some of our other favorite blogs like Bill's Comments and Analphilosopher.

She is of a political inclination pleasing to the Maximum Leader, though she may be a bit squishy - I mean thoughtful - and does not parrot a party line. We need to support reasoned blogs, by God!


Ally also does whimsy in a way that will appeal to the Naked Villainy cabal. I direct our collective attention to:

Real Men of Genius

Subservient Chicken

She is a feminist/citizen of our stripe - believing in equality not coddling.

Wells College

John Mayer Smackdown


Cultural Double Standards

Maximum Leader, I know that you can't resist a woman who takes pictures of the Highlands. (Attention Foreign Minister: page two has re-enactors!)

Her blog might also be a good balance in the "ethics of eating meat" discussion we have been having over the last year or so. She is a moral vegetarian, but does not commit the fallacy of claiming equal moral merit for animals. Here is a piece - "Barbarism or Cuisine" she did on the SoDaMonk article I blogged about (indirectly) here.

I wish all consumers would start to think like this quote from Ally's article:

"If I ever desire to eat meat again, I would purchase from small farmers with whom I am familiar and whose practices of which I approve."

But I guess I'm naive to think that consumer preferences in the marketplaces can balance economies of scale found in factory farming.

So, Maximum Leader, does she make the blogroll?


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