October 08, 2004

Missing Debate...

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader must state (with much regret) that he is not going to be able to view the candidates debate tonight. It seems that your Maximum Leader has forgotten that tonight he has a long-standing commitment to attend. A formal ball in fact.

What's that you say? Formal Ball? You know the type. Men in tuxedos. Women in swanky evening attire. Dancing. Drinking. Idle chatter. Women gossiping while powdering noses and men exchanging stock tips and sports predictions. One of those affairs. Need a mental picture? Think of the party at which Lara shoots (but fails to kill) Komorovsky. Got it? Good.

Alas, Mrs. Villain has informed your Maximum Leader that she will not be escorting him tonight. She is not feeling well, and has opted to stay at the Villainschloss and relax in a hot bath. So, your Maximum Leader will be going stag tonight. Any young attractive woman (already possessing formal wear) in the greater Fredericksburg, VA or DC area who would like to hob-nob with the local elite should contact their Maximum Leader right away. He would delight in causing a local scandal by showing up with someone other than Mrs. Villain.

In other unfortunate news, your Maximum Leader has also learned that one of his favourite couples will not be attending the ball either. This means that your Maximum Leader will be deprived of sitting down with the wonderful female half of that duo and together drink scotch and disparage various persons.

Looks to be a slow night.

Carry on.


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