October 07, 2004

Writers Block

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader is suffering from a little writers block. It is not as though he can't write anything, it is more the case that he just isn't interested in any particular subject enough to write commentary.

That being said, your Maximum Leader is going to attempt to "phone in" something so that his loyal minions will not go through Maximum Leader DTs. If you prefer not to read on, resist the temptation to click away. This is your Maximum Leader afterall.

First off, many congratulations to the esteeemed Dr. Rusty Shackleford of MyPetJawa (or is it The Jawa Report?) He was the minion to guess the location of the recent "mind-clearing" done by your Maximum Leader. Here is the previously posted view. The location was the back lawn of Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington. Here is the view when your Maximum Leader turned around and put his back to the river.

Many people might assume that the river side of Mount Vernon, since it has the best view and the nicest finish, is the "front" of the house. It is, in fact, the back of the house. The tradition of Virginia plantations was to reserve the best view and nicest side of the house for side that was not first approached by visitors. Think of this as something of an 18th century architectural version of a "tease." Show you a little to get you interested, but save the full show for later. (For those of you interested here is a very large photo of the "back" of Mt. Vernon. Which is the side visitors would approach.

Anyho... Your Maximum Leader offered the good Dr. Rusty a Nakedvillainy t-shirt. But the good Doctor demured and asked instead that your Maximum Leader link to him profusely. Which your Maximum Leader is happy to do. Of course, if you are not reading The Jawa Report it is really too bad. Your Maximum Leader will understand if you choose to surf away to Dr. Shackleford's site... Provided you return.

Today the good Poet Laureate did your Maximum Leader a great service. He provided a quick rundown of the contents of this site. Indeed the Big Hominid mentioned this in a Shatnerian post today. Your Maximum Leader asked this favour of his good friend because it seems that nakedvillainy.com has some francophone readers. Mercutioclub.tk, the blog in question, has not only linked to this site; but is directing traffic here.

So, in the interests of goodwill between your Maximum Leader and his francophone minions, mercutioclub.tk is now on the blogroll. Your Maximum Leader will try to visit the site periodically. It may help keep his meagre ability to understand some written French from disappearing altogether.

Another site your Maximum Leader loves to read, and does read frequently throughout the day (time permitting) is the Llamabutchers. Your Maximum Leader must thank Robert the Llamabutcher for sharing with us how the Spanish are now considering their humiliating defeat at the Battle of Trafalgar a moral victory. By the way, your Maximum Leader has, historically, celebrated the Battle of Trafalgar (Oct 21st) with his own party. While circumstances prevent such a celebration this year... Next year will be the 200th anniversary of that great event and will merit massive celebration.

Your Maximum Leader will also state for the record that he has eaten at the restaurant that Robert mentioned. It is quite good. There was a period when your Maximum Leader could evaluate in detail for you every Turkish restaurant in the Northern Virginia/DC area. But that may be a tale for another time...

Brian deserves a hearty round of congratulations. He will start a new (better paying) job soon. That is good. So good in fact Brian that your Maximum Leader will raise one of his crystal rocks glasses and toast (with Ardbeg) your good fortune. Your Maximum Leader will not, however, dance.

Your Maximum Leader persists in reading Sadie's blog, even though she has not mentioned sex for a day or two now. She does have an interesting post on the whole Scalia misquoted situation. The Minister of Agriculture thinks that Scalia could have good grounds for a libel or defamation case. Your Maximum Leader isn't sure. Both of us agree he'll take no action one way or the other.

Anna... Oh Anna... Please post...

Your Maximum Leader feels like he should drive to Florida and meet this man. Your Maximum Leader could help him cook a wild hog. Which your Maximum Leader has done. (Pit roast a whole hog that is.) Although, your Maximum Leader does like his local Chesapeake Bay oysters better than those from Georgia or Louisiana. Did you know that there was once a time when a single oyster from the Lynnhaven Bay could feed a grown man. Tis true. Alas those days are gone.

Jeff at Beautiful Atrocities is responsible for your Maximum Leader neglecting his offspring for a few hours over the past few days. His linking to Rhian Salmon and her adventures in Antartica are fascinating.

Congratulations to Mr. Enoch Soames, Esq. for reaching his one year blogoversary. Your Maximum Leader has only been reading the site for a while, and is already jealous. Yet another writer better than he. (Of course, it is hard to write in this tortured third person. It is amazing that Ceasar had so much success with it.) Your Maximum Leader needs to take some time and write a little note to Mr. Soames and try to get better acquainted. BTW, it is always a pleasure to read (and sing to oneself) the second verse to "God Save the Queen." One of the best second verses to a national anthem ever. Perhaps THE best ever.

Have you ever read the guys over at Perfidy.org? Try this. It is a subject that your Maximum Leader doesn't normally discuss. As the Villainschloss is populated with one Mrs. Villain and two Villainettes. The Villainettes will one day start suffering from this condition... The horror...

Congrats to Nicole as well on her new job. May she enjoy it and be able to continue to blog.

The good Smallholder, Minister of Agriculture recently posted that there are some who doubt that the photos to which he linked are his animals. Well...

Here is one of George Washington's sheep at Mount Vernon.

Here are two of Smallholders sheep, who are decended from George Washington's sheep. (And here is the newest edition to the Smallholder's flock of sheep.)

Here is an old photo of some of Smallholders calves.

And here is a photo of Bonnie looking through the window of the Smallholders barn just last weekend.

Link dump finished.

Carry on.


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