May 09, 2005

Maximum Leader Has No Regard For Free Speech

I am humbled that our Maximum Leader took time from the plotting of world domination to read the links I suggested. However, in fully reading the article about Bush's manufactured crowds, he would see that this was not a political event, funded and organized by the Republican party or some 527 group, but a taxpayer-funded event for which the individuals in question had valid tickets. They were denied access because her car had a bumper sticker on it against the war. So the Maximum Leader is prepared to endorse an idea that that none of John Kerry's supporters are allowed to participate in taxpayer-funded town hall discussions about social security? To participate in Bush's democracy, I should scrape the bumper stickers from my car and put on a happy face for his appearances? Additionally, the individuals in question were threatened with physical removal by a Republican staffer pretending to be a secret service agent, complete with earpiece and pin. That alone makes me uncomfortable, and ought to be illegal if it isn't already.

If Bush wants to hold political rallies, he can hold rallies with friendly crowds (I was in Boston for the Democratic National Convention, and I think there are several lines of defense on the issue of the 'free speech zone'). But Bush does not have the right to stage town hall discussion with taxpayer funds and pass them off as representative of the American people. From the fake white house reporter to the fake medicare 'news' reports to the posting of anti-Kerry material on government websites, this president condones the manipulation of the very checks and balances that are supposed to give us a open understanding of what our government does. This isn't about 'spin:' this is an abuse of public resources and a disregard for open government not seen since Nixon. This president and the republican party that rallies around him have no respect for free speech, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Bush: worst president ever.

Maximum Leader: a pretty good despot-in-waiting, but you had better get your opinions out there before the M.W.O. really kicks into high gear.

Now I'm off to re-read Sexy Sadie's advice on oral sex before our Maximum Leader buries this post.



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