October 27, 2004

Did you read the Bleat today?

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader started down his list of blogs he reads every morning when he discovered that all the Munuvians appear to be down. ("The piper is down. I repreat, the piper is down.") So, your Maximum Leader shot off a little e-mail to a few good munuvians letting them know (in case they didn't already). One of those good Munuvians, Robert the Llamabutcher (So? Charley teels me you're a bootcher.), wrote back accusing Rusty of hogging bandwidth and crashing the party. Which may or may not be the case.


Robert said that your Maximum Leader really had to read the Lieks bleat today. So, your Maximum Leader interrupted his normal reading to do just that.

It was worth it.

Turn. Go. Read the Bleat. Now.

Carry on.


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