October 20, 2004

Another reason the EU sucks.

Greetings, loyal minions. Your Maximum Leader has come out before and said that he's never been too fond of the European Union. He believes it is really a growing threat to the very notion of self-government that Europeans (supposedly) espouse.

Imagine his distress when he saw this new article: EU takes Britain to court over "booze cruises."

Now the EU is trying to cut down on trade among member states. Your Maximum Leader thought that the whole purpose of the Union (in the beginning) was to improve trade.

Can you imagine if the US government started cracking down on shopping excursions to Mexico! Gadzooks! All that cheap (or just cheaper) tequila. Gone! Little bracelet-y trinkets you just can't find in the States. Gone! Supplies of OTC Rohypnol, GHB, and Ketamine Hydrochlorate. Gone! Hookers. Gone! (Oh wait, you generally leave the hookers back in Mexico....)

It would be a tragic. Lucky it will not happen. At least not in a Bush Administration.

Okay. That last bit was just your Maximum Leader particpating in a little partisan demogaugery. He has no idea of the positions of either candidate on the whole goin'-to-Mexico-to-get-wild concept. But he imagines that Kerry was for goin'-to-Mexico-to-get-wild before he was against it. Bush is probably not for goin'-to-Mexico-to-get-wild since he is on the wagon. But if Jenna Bush is involved, your Maximum Leader is all for goin'-to-Mexico-to-get-wild.

Carry on.


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